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Helping Companies MAXIMIZE
the Potential of Technology and the Internet

Providing Shortcuts to Productivity

Small Business Advisory

When starting a new business or running a small business, you make a lot of decisions about what is needed now vs. what can wait.

  • Can I afford to have someone on staff for IT?
  • What software do we need? and how many computers?
  • What about Mobile technology?
  • How much of a website do we need to start, and how much can wait until later?
  • Should we design our own Marketing materials?
  • What about HR?  Do I need someone full-time?  Do we need an employee manual?
  • How will people find out about our business?
  • What kind of networking should we do?  

Doing it yourself may seem to be the economical choice, but it's often what you don't know that is going to end up costing you big time later on down the road.

MEC Sytems can serve as your Small Business Advisor, and give you the information you need to make these decisions.

Call us now to find out how we can help.
