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Successful Classroom Management

Successful Classroom Management

Successful Classroom Management Initiative (SCMI) has been a client of MEC Systems since 2007.  Over the years, MEC has created multiple variations on the website for SCMI to:

  • convey the changes in services offered by SCMI,
  • address the different audiences that SCMI was marketing to, as their services changed
  • keep the look of the site fresh as trends changed
  • comply with Search Engine rules for ranking

SCMI's current site is a Content Mangement System, which allows owner Delores McCullom to make changes to content as her offerings change.

Successful Classroom Management Initiative offers seminars for teachers, to help them to develop the skills to be a confident and perpared teacher.

  • providing rganizational skills
  • guidance in anticipating and minimizing problems as they occur
  • help them to engage students, and motivate them
  • learn out to link lessons to life experiences
  • create a healthy learning environment with structured routines
  • promote academic excellence



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Successful Classroom Management