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Challenge: A psychologist asked MEC system to review her existing website because she was not getting bookings.

The look of the existing site did not fit the aesthetic of the Mind-Body-Spirit approach Health Styles applied to healing

The content provided a list of services, but did not convey the types of results Health Styles could achieve for its clients


Update the website with a look that conveyed the Mind/Body/Spirit approach to therapy and rewrite the content from a Benefits perspective.

Before the Home page was overly simple, and made poor use of Prime Real Estate (the portion of the site that you first see on loading, without having to scroll down.


MEC redesigned the look of the site:

  • Using colors from Health Styles logo and sales literature, each page to maintain the Corporate Identity
  • Added aesthetic images, edited for low color, with full color emphasizing specific aspects of the image
  • Laid out the pages with concise menus and sub menu selections
  • Gave the site a look that fit the Mind-Body-Spirit approach to healing


 Content before, provided a dry list of services offered:

• Coaching/Mentoring for health, fitness, & accelerated Performance
• Psychotherapy for individuals & families
• Individual or group work for exercise, weight loss, & health exploration
• Groups for transitional needs: divorce, bereavement, or career
• Groups for family support or caregivers
• Lifestyle counseling
• Techniques for stress reduction
• Guided practice for meditation
• Other services individualized to promote healthy lifestyles

MEC rewrote the content to present it from a Benefits/Results-oriented standpoint:

Through Life Coaching, you can:
bullet-logo Move life forward and take greater control over life
bullet-logo Unleash natural talents, energy and enthusiasm
bullet-logo Maximize success and balance at work and home

Through Psychology, you can:
bullet-logo Tackle the fundamentals of the way you live
bullet-logo Achieve mental health, strong relationships and fulfillment
bullet-logo Discover who you really are

With Sports Psychology, you can:
bullet-logo Find your motivational spirit and expand your boundaries
bullet-logo Break barriers: emotional, mental or behavioral obstacles
bullet-logo Increase mental skills and maintain peak performance

Through Weight Loss Coaching, you can:
bullet-logo Focus on your motivational bulls-eye
bullet-logo Find and Maintain the incentive to succeed
bullet-logo Overcome the barriers that have prevented success in the past
bullet-logo Embrace a healthy lifestyle

Each service showed the specific results that couls  be acheived.

The bullet graphic was taken from the company logo, instead of the generic bullet.

RESULTS:  Within 4 - 6 months Health Styles had a fully booked schedule and was making appointments 6 weeks out

See the full site.

Your Health Styles


Click the image above to visitYour Health Styles website